Student Travel Grants

IOHRM Student Support Fund logo

Appalachian State University has many resources available for students to receive reimbursement for their academic travels. Specifically, travel grants can be provided by: the Office of Student Research (OSR), WiSE Research Award, Graduate Student Association (GSAS), Student and Faculty Excellence Fund (SAFE), Walker College of Business (WCOB), and the IOHRM Student Support Fund (SSF).

Please follow the links below to learn how to apply. Please keep in mind that all research grants have application deadlines that are, at least, one month prior your travel date(s). It is best to start the application process as early as possible.

  • OSR
  • WiSE criteria, WiSE application
  • GSAS
  • SAFE
  • WCOB
    • To be awarded from this fund, students are required to apply to OSR, WiSE, GSAS, SAFE, and WCOB.
      • The Student Support Fund will cover the remaining travel balance, up to $350.
      • IOHRM student can only receive funding to present at one conference per academic year
      • Click here for the IOHRM SSF application
        • Please forward those responses directly to Drs. Ludwig ( and Bergman (
        • Your application will only be considered complete once Drs. Ludwig and Bergman receive your responses.