Every year, the IOHRM program tests its potential graduates with comprehensive exams. For one hour, three faculty members ask the students comprehensive questions about everything they have learned during their time in the program. This exam is known to be very difficult and requires students to demonstrate deep knowledge of all the content they have learned over the past two years, without the aid of notes or textbooks. This year, the entire Class of 2022 passed their comprehensive exams!
Additionally, three graduate students have been working on their theses over the last year. Riggs Matthews defended his thesis, entitled “Quantifying Quality: Higher quality checklists lead to a greater reduction in occupational incidents in two Chemical Manufacturing Plant Divisions”, Alexa Sterling defended her thesis entitled “The Role of Race on the Prevalence of and Perceived Response to Workplace Sexual Harassment”, and Scott Blackburn defended his thesis entitled “Reading Between the Lines: A Text Analytics Exploration of Social Emotional Learning” in front of students, faculty, and deans. All three students successfully defended their master’s theses!
Congratulations to these talented soon-to-be graduates!