- Ph.D. 2016, Middle East Technical University
- M.A., 2013, Appalachian State University
- B.S., 2004, Turkish Military Academy
Teaching Interests
Industrial Psychology, Cross-cultural Psychology, Personality Psychology, Performance Management, Staffing
Research Interests
Current research interests include employee recruitment and job search, applicant reactions in recruitment and selection, applicant decision-making, applications of social media in human resources, and professionalism in the workplace. You can access my lab's website by clicking here.
* - ASU Graduate Student, ** - ASU Undergraduate Student
Foreman, A.M., Friedel, J.E., Ezerins, M.E., Matthews, R.*, Nicholson, R.E.*, Wellersdick, L.**, Bergman, S., Acikgoz, Y., Ludwig, T.D., Wirth, O. (in press). Establishment-Level Safety Analytics: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics.
Acikgoz, Y., Mollica, K., Davison, H. Hartwell, C., and Bergman, S. (in press) Applicant Reactions to Social Media Assessments: Effects of Social Media Type, Social Media Self-Efficacy, and Minority Status. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal.
Foreman, A.M., Friedel, J.E., Ludwig, T.D., Ezerins, M.E., Acikgoz, Y., Bergman, S., Wirth, O. (2023). Establishment-level occupational safety analytics: Challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 94, 1-9.
Laske, M.**, Hinson, P.**, Acikgoz, Y., Ludwig, T., Foreman, A., & Bergman, S. (2022). Do employees’ work schedules put them at-risk? The role of shift scheduling and holidays in predicting near miss and incident likelihood. Journal of Safety Research, 83, 1-7.
Ezerins, M. E., Ludwig, T. D., O'Neil, T., Foreman, A. M., & Acikgoz, Y. (2022). Advancing safety analytics: A diagnostic framework for assessing system readiness within occupational safety and health. Safety science, 146, 105569.
Westerman, J., Acikgoz, Y., Nafees, L., Westerman, J. (2022). When sustainability managers greenwash: SDG fit and effects on job performance and attitudes. Business and Society Review.
Westerman, J. W., Acikgoz, Y., Nafees, L., dePillis, E., & Westerman, J. (2020). The Sustainable Development Goals and Business Students’ Preferences: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Business Ethics Education, 17, 99-114.
Acikgoz, Y., Davison, K., Compagnone, M.* & Laske, M.* (2020). Justice Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence in Selection. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 28(4), 399-416.
Acikgoz, Y. (2020). Adding versus averaging: Evaluability theory applied to job choice decisions. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 33(5), 691-701. Doi: 10.1002/bdm.2186
Acikgoz, Y., & Sumer, C. (2019). Implementation intentions as a predictor of applicant withdrawal. Military Psychology, 31(5), 347-354. doi: 10.1080/08995605.2019.1637208.
Acikgoz, Y., & Toker, Y. (2019). Integrating occupational complexity levels to interest assessments in social and enterprising areas: Development of the vertical social interest scale. Journal of Career Assessment, 27(1), 61-77. doi: 10.1177/1069072717748633
Acikgoz, Y. (2019). Employee recruitment and job search: Towards a multi-level integration. Human Resource Management Review, 29(1), 1–13.
Acikgoz, Y, Huelsman, T. J., Swets, J. L.*, Dixon, A. R.*, Jeffer, S. N.*, Olsen, D. R.*, & Ross, A.* (2018). The cream of the crop: Student and alumni perceptions of I-O psychology master's degree program quality. TIP: The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 55(4).
Copeland, J. E., Ludwig, T. D., Bergman, S., & Acikgoz, Y. (2018). Increasing Sales by Managing the Interlocking Contingencies Between Sales Representatives and Customers Using Behavioral Self-Monitoring. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 38(2-3), 116-143.
Acikgoz, Y. & Sumer, C. (2018). Predicting Applicant Withdrawal: An Expectancy Theory Perspective. Military Psychology, 30(2), 152-161. doi: 10.1080/08995605.2018.1425066
Acikgoz, Y., Sumer, C., & Sumer, N. (2016). Do employees leave just because they can? Examining the perceived employability – turnover intentions relationship. The Journal of Psychology, 150(5), 666-683. doi: 10.1080/00223980.2016.1160023.
Acikgoz, Y., & Bergman, S. M. (2016). Chasing the Run Away Bandwagon: Using Social Media for Recruitment. In Landers, R.N., & Schmidt, G.B (Eds.), Social Media in Employee Selection and Recruitment (pp. 175-195).
Recent Conference Presentations
* ASU Graduate Student, ** ASU Undergraduate Student
Urban, M. (Chair), Mayfield, D. (Presenter), Levenhagen, T. (Presenter), Acikgoz, Y. (Presenter), Reddy, M. (Presenter). (2024). Current realities of using AI for executive assessment: Innovation review [Alternative Session Type]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Açıkgöz, Y., Pollard, C.*, & Culver, M.* (2024). Reactions to Automated Selection Decisions: Moderation by Job Type. Poster presented at the annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology annual conference: Chicago, IL.
Ludwig, T.D., Leslie, J.*, Granowsky, N.*, Acikgoz, Y., Bergman, S. (2023). Safety Analytics in Three Organizations suggest the Probability of Injury decreases after a Behavioral Safety Observation. Paper presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
Wood, A.**, Culver, M.**, Covington, M.E.**, & Açıkgöz, Y. (2022). Remote or in-person work: How does personality and qualifications relate to performance. Poster presented at 18th River Cities Industrial-Organizational Psychology Conference, Chattanooga, TN.
Sant, R.*, Landolt, T.*, Barboj, S.*, Leslie, J.*, Granowsky, N.*, Açıkgöz, Y., Ludwig, T., Bergman, S., (2022, October). Does Safety Make a Difference? The Impact of Safety Observations on Injury Likelihoods. Poster presented at 18th River Cities Industrial-Organizational Psychology Conference, Chattanooga, TN.
Landolt, T.*, Sant, R.*, Barboj, S.*, Granowsky, N.*, Leslie, J.*, Açıkgöz, Y., Ludwig, T., Bergman, S., (2022). The Relationship between Leadership Engagement and Workplace Incidents. Poster presented at 18th River Cities Industrial-Organizational Psychology Conference, Chattanooga, TN.
Matthews, C.*, Ledford, J.*, Henderson, H.*, Lopez, I.**, Açıkgöz, Y., Bergman, S., & Ludwig, T. (2022). Not What but When: Lagged Effect of Leading Safety Indicators on Lagging Indicators. Poster presented at the annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology annual conference: Seattle, WA.
Leslie, J.**, Surratt, E.**, Matthews, C.*, Bergman, S., Ludwig, T., Acikgoz, Y. (2021). Quality or quantity: using natural language processing as to assess safety checklist quality. Poster presented at the 17th Annual River Cities Industrial-Organizational Psychology Conference, Chattanooga, TN.
Lopez, I.**, Henderson, H.*, Ledford, J.*, Bergman, S., Ludwig, T., & Acikgoz, Y. (2021). Hazard Closing Actions in Predicting Safety Incidents. Poster presented at the 17th Annual River Cities Industrial-Organizational Psychology Conference, Chattanooga, TN.
Granowsky, N.*, Slusher, D.*, Young, A.*, Acikgoz, Y., Bergman, S., Ludwig, T., Berry, T.** (2021). DART: Data Analytics Readiness Tool. Poster presented at the 17th Annual River Cities Industrial-Organizational Psychology Conference, Chattanooga, TN.
Acikgoz, Y., Hartwell, C., & Bergman, S. (2021). Reactions to social media screening: A different story for minority applicants. In Cubrich, M. (Chair), Social Media Use in Selection: Insights from Empirical Investigations. Symposium session conducted at the 36th Annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference.
Toker, Y., Gökalp, A., Acikgoz, Y. (2020, June). Social and Enterprising areas involve Interests toward Dealing with Complex Data. Poster presentation at the Asynchronous Online Meeting of the 35th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP 2020), Austin, Texas
Toker, Y., Gökalp, A., Acikgoz, Y. (2020, June). Improving vocational interest assessments: Data complexity levels are important for social and enterprising areas. Oral presentation at the Synchronous Online Meeting of the 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’20), Valencia, Spain.
Laske, M., Acikgoz, Y., Ludwig, T. D., & Bergman, S. (2020, May 21-25). Utilizing data analytics to inform safety interventions and reduce adverse safety outcomes. In J. E. Friedel (Chair) Big data and analytics in behavior analysis [Symposium]. Association for Behavior Analysis International 46th Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Compagnone, M.*, Ludwig, T. D., Bergman, S., & Acikgoz, Y. (2020, May 21-25). Assessing analytic readiness within occupational health and safety. In J. E. Friedel (Chair) Big data and analytics in behavior analysis [Symposium]. Association for Behavior Analysis International 46th Annual Conference, Washington DC.
Compagnone, M. E.*, O'Neil, T. M.*, Nicholson, R.*, Foreman, A., Açıkgöz, Y., Ludwig, T. D., Wirth, O., Friedel, J., & Bergman S. (2020, April) A framework for analyzing data analytics readiness. Poster presented at the Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology (SIOP) annual conference, Austin, TX.
Acikgoz, Y. (chair), Hartwell, C. J., MacGregor, N., McCarthy, J. M., Nikolaou, I. (panelists) (2019). The War for Talent: Managing Applicant Reactions in the Age of Technology. Panel presented at the 34th Annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Washington, DC.
Acikgoz, Y. (2019). The Irrational Job Seeker: Job Choice Decisions in Separate vs. Joint Evaluations. Poster presented at the 34th Annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Washington, DC.
Acikgoz, Y., & Toker, Y., Hickman, D.**, & Iverson, E.** (2019). Measuring Impression Management through a Conditional Reasoning Test. In Schoen, J. (Chair), Latest Findings in Conditional Reasoning: A New Scale, New Analyses, and New Samples. Symposium session conducted at the 34th Annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Washington, DC.
Acikgoz, Y., & Whitaker, B. (2019). Validity of Facebook as a Selection Instrument: Still No Evidence. In Schroeder, A. (Chair), Vetting With the Program: Examining Cybervetting Techniques for Applicant Screening. Symposium session conducted at the 34th Annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Washington, DC.

Title: Associate Professor
Department: Department of Psychology
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-8926