Alumni Mentor Program

As a part of our IOHRM program, all students are paired with an IOHRM Alumni Mentor. Mentors volunteer their time in order to give back to our program, and it is very helpful for the current students! Mentors assist students with everything from resume building and solidifying career objectives to giving general advise on professors and assignments. The mentors love it because it gives them a chance to give back to the IOHRM program, and the students love it because they always have someone to talk to who went through everything they are experiencing as a student of the IOHRM program. Look below to meet this year's mentors!

Ryan Lagan LinkedIn
Lindsey Wuerfel LinkedIn
Kea Kerich LinkedIn
Annie Jankura LinkedIn
Erin Marion LinkedIn
Ashley Rankin LinkedIn
Brooke Scovell LinkedIn
James Westwood LinkedIn
Morgan Powers LinkedIn
Cynthia Miller LinkedIn