Students attend River-Cities Industrial-Organizational (RCIO) Psychology Conference

Over the weekend of October 25-27, twelve IOHRM students (5 first-year and 7 second-year students) traveled to the 2013 River-Cities Industrial-Organizational (RCIO) Psychology Conference hosted by The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. This year the conference focused on Trends in Training

Second-year students Sarah Light and Ian Head presented their work and answered questions about their master’s thesis during a poster session.  Sarah’s thesis focused on examining gender biases in the initial hiring process, and Ian’s thesis focused on emotional intelligence as it relates to the leader-member exchange quality. 


Additionally, second-year students Allison Byrd, Amanda Eberhardt, Stephanie Hale, and Kate Thompson did a panel presentation on current trends in leadership training.  The presentation specifically focused on the impact of globalization, methods of training female leaders, and the burgeoning industry of executive coaching.  Following the presentation, Dr. Shawn Bergman moderated a Q&A session in which the panelists answered questions from applied and academic professionals.

RCIO attendants
Published: Oct 30, 2013 9:48pm
