Fantastic Research Being Done by Our Second-Years

Our students continue to excel in research. Second-year, Danielle Kretschmer will be presenting her thesis at the upcoming Behavioral Safety Now conference in Buffalo, New York. She will be presenting two breakout sessions on work she did during her internship over the summer. The sessions are titled The Gamification of Awareness Training and Effective Training Targeting Contextual Comments in Behavioral Observations. Another second-year, Matt Cartabuke will be presenting a poster on his thesis work at the Southern Management Association conference in Savannah, Georgia. His poster is titled Empathy as an Antecedent of Social Justice Behavior. This poster is a representation of the work Matt has completed on his thesis.

We are very proud of our students' research and accomplishments in the program!

Danielle Kretschmer and Matt Cartabuke
Published: Sep 24, 2014 9:23am
