- Ph.D. 1997, The University of Colorado at Boulder: Business Administration: Management
- M.B.A. 1990, Florida State University
- B.S. 1988, Florida State University: Finance
Teaching Interests
Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, and Social Responsibility
Awards and Accolades
Received 2023 Excellence in Reviewing Award from Human Resource Management Review
Received Appalachian State University College of Business Service Award
Received "Spirit of Walker" (College of Business Award
Has spent 3 years (2022-present) on the UNC Board of Governors Budget and Finance Committee, and also served on the Board of Governor's Return on Investment Committee, and the UNC System's Post-Tenure Review Policy Committee, and 3 years as a member of the UNC Faculty Assembly Executive Committee.
Has served on ASU Faculty Senate as a chair of 3 committees: Budget, Athletics, and Ad Hoc Compensation.
Served as lead editor of a 2020 special issue: Sustainable human resource management and the triple bottom line: Multi-stakeholder strategies, concepts, and engagement. Human Resource Management Review, 30(3).
Served as Director of Sustainable Business (2014-2018) and as the inaugural "Sustainability Fellow" at Appalachian State University.
Received 2019 Excellence in Reviewing Award from Human Resource Management Review.
"Best Paper Finalist" recognition. Westerman, J., van Beek, E., & Westerman, J. Ecological values, narcissism, and materialism: A comparison of business students in the United States and the Netherlands. Western Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
Received Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching.
Appalachian State University College of Business "Teacher of the Year".
"Best Paper in Management Education" Award. Westerman, J., Bergman, J., Bergman, S., & Daly, J. Are universities creating millennial narcissist employees? Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
Appalachian State University "College of Business Researcher of the Year".
"Best Paper Proceedings" recognition. Hardesty, A., & Westerman, J. Relating religious beliefs and values: Ethical development, locus of control, and conscientiousness. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
"Best Paper Proceedings" recognition. Bergman, J., Westerman, J., & Daly, J. Narcissism in management education. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
University of Nevada "College of Business Researcher of the Year".
"Best Paper Award". Westerman, J. Motivating generation Y: An expectancy theory and job design analysis. Presented at the International College Teaching Methods & Styles Conference.
"Best Paper Finalist". Cyr, L., & Westerman, J. Venture capitalist involvement and equity incentives: Examining the effects on IPO performance. Presented at the Western Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
"Best Paper Award" for the Academy of Management Annual Meeting - OCIS Division. Tucker, M., Meyer, D., & Westerman, J. A resource-based view of barrier reducing communicated knowledge as a source of competitive advantage. Presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting.
Lyman W. Porter Award for Best Paper. Westerman, J. An exploratory analysis of antecedents to participation in upward performance appraisal systems. Presented at the Organizational Behavior Division business meeting, Academy of Management annual meeting.
Selected Publications
Carson, J., & Westerman, J. The Effectiveness of Organizational Sustainability Messaging to New Hires: An Exploratory Analysis of Signal Cost, Perceived Credibility, and Involvement Intention. Sustainability. 2023; 15(2).
Westerman, J., Acikgoz, Y., Nafees, L., & Westerman, Jennifer. (2022). When sustainability managers greenwash: SDG fit and effects on job performance and attitudes. Business and Society Review, 127(2), 371-393.
Westerman, J. 2021. A Sustainable Plan to Rescue HR from Itself. Sustainability, 13(14):7587.
Westerman, J., Nafees, L., Westerman, Jennifer. 2021. Cultivating Support for the Sustainable Development Goals, Green Strategy and Human Resource Management Practices in Future Business Leaders: The Role of Individual Differences and Academic Training. Sustainability, 13, 6569.
Westerman, J., Acikgoz, Y., Nafees, L., DePillis, E., & Westerman, J. 2020. The Sustainable Development Goals and Business Students' Preferences: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Business Ethics Education, 17.
Westerman, J., Rao, M., Sita, V., & Gupta, M. 2020. Sustainable human resource management and the triple bottom line: Multi-stakeholder strategies, concepts, and engagement. Human Resource Management Review, 30(3), 1-4.
Cartabuke, M., Westerman, J., Bergman, J., Whitaker, B., Westerman, J., & Beekun, R. 2019. Empathy as an antecedent of social justice attitudes and perceptions. Journal of Business Ethics, 157, 605-615.
Belinda, C.D., Westerman, J., & Bergman, S. 2018. Recruiting with ethics in an online era: Integrating corporate social responsibility with social media to predict organizational attractiveness. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 109, 101-117.
Beekun, R., Alyoglu, N., Ozturk, A., Babacan, M., & Westerman, J. 2017. Gauging the ethicality of students in Turkish institutions of higher education. Journal of Business Ethics, 142, 185-197.
Westerman, J., Bergman, J., Bergman, S., Whitaker, B., Daly, J., & Westerman, J. 2016. Does social justice knowledge matter in sustainable business education? Effects on student attitudes. Business, Peace, and Sustainable Development, 8, 33-53.
Westerman, J., Whitaker, B., Bergman, J., Bergman, S., & Daly, J. 2016. Faculty narcissism and student outcomes in business higher education: A student-faculty fit analysis. The International Journal of Management Education, 14, 63-73.
Westerman, J., Westerman, J., & Whitaker, B. 2016. Does social justice knowledge matter? Education for sustainable development and student attitudes. Environment, Development, and Sustainability, 18(2), 561-576.
Westerman, J., Westerman, J., & Whitaker, B. (2015). Does social justice knowledge matter? Education for sustainable development and student attitudes. Environment, Development, and Sustainability, May.
Pawlowska, D., Westerman, J., Bergman,SJ., & Huelsman, J. 2014. Student personality, classroom environment, and student outcomes: A person-environment fit analysis. Learning and Individual Differences, 36, 180-193.
Bergman, J. Z., Westerman, J., Bergman, S. M., & Daly, J. P. 2014. Narcissism, materialism, and environmental ethics in business students. Journal of Management Education, 38(14), 489-510.
Whitaker, B., & Westerman, J. 2014. Linking spirituality and values to personal initiative through psychological empowerment. Journal of Management, Spirituality, and Religion, 11(3), 269-291.
Van Beek, E., Westerman, J., & Whitaker, B. 2014. Ecological values, narcissism, and materialism: A comparison of business students in the United States and the Netherlands. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 8(1), 92-104.
Westerman, J., Whitaker, B., & Hardesty, A. 2013. Belief in God: The differential prediction of workplace values. Journal of Management, Spirituality, and Religion, 10(4), 324-341.
Beekun, R., & Westerman, J. 2012. Spirituality and national culture as antecedents to ethical decision making: A comparison between the U.S. and Norway. Journal of Business Ethics, 110(1), 33-44.
Westerman, J., Bergman, J., Bergman, S., Daly, J. 2012. How Narcissistic are Business Students? An Empirical Examination of Narcissism in Millennial Students and its Implications. Journal of Management Education, 36(1), 5-32.
Westerman, J., Perez-Batres, L., Coffey, B., & Pouder, R. 2011. Class attendance and student performance in management education: An exploratory analysis. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 9(1), 49-67.
Beekun, R., Stedham, Y., Westerman, J., & Yamamura, J. 2010. Effects of justice and utilitarianism on ethical decision-making: A cross-cultural examination of gender similarities and differences. Business Ethics: A European Review, 19(4), 309-325.
Bergman, J., Westerman, J., & Daly, J. 2010. Narcissism in management education. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 9(1), 119-131.
Hardesty, A., Westerman, J., Beekun, R., & Bergman, J. 2010. Images of God and their role in the workplace. Journal of Management, Spirituality, and Religion, 7(4), 315-333.
Westerman, J., & Daly, J. 2010, October 4. The rising tide of narcissism: What b-schools can do. Bloomberg Businessweek.
Daly, J. & Westerman, J. 2009. A systematic method for grading case analyses and evaluating critical thinking in management education. Journal of the Academy of Business Education, 10, 18-36.
Westerman, J., Beekun, R., Daly, J., & Sita, V. 2009. Personality and national culture: Predictors of compensation strategy preferences in the U.S. and India. Management Research News, 32(8), 767-781.
Westerman, J., & Westerman, J. 2009. Social protest novels in management education: Using Hawk's Nest to enhance stakeholder analysis. Journal of Management Education, 33, 659-675.
Beekun, R., Hamdy, R., Westerman, J., & HassabElnaby, H. 2008. An exploration of ethical decision-making processes in the United States and Egypt. Journal of Business Ethics, 82(3), 587-605.
Sundali, J., Westerman, J., & Stedham, Y. 2008. Retirement satisfaction: The importance of stable income sources. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 10(1), 18-46.
Westerman, J., Geiger, S., & Cyr, L. 2008. Employee equity incentives and venture capitalist involvement: Examining the effects on IPO performance. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 13(4), 409-423.
Westerman, J. 2007. Motivating generation Y in the classroom. Essays on Teaching Excellence: Toward the Best in the Academy, 18(5).
Westerman, J., Beekun, R., Stedham, Y, & Yamamura, J. 2007. Peers versus national culture: An analysis of antecedents to ethical decision-making. Journal of Business Ethics, 75(3), 239-252.
Westerman, J., & Simmons, B. 2007. The effects of work environment on the personality-performance relationship: An exploratory study. Journal of Managerial Issues, 19(2), 288-305.
Westerman, J., & Yamamura, J. 2007. Generational preferences for work environment fit: Effects on employee outcomes. Career Development International, 12(2), 150-161.
Yamamura, J., & Westerman, J. 2007. Assessing the work environment fit for accountants: Implications for the international talent shortage. International Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Performance Evaluation, 4(2), 127-141.
Beekun, R., Westerman, J., & Barghouti, J. 2005. Utility of ethical frameworks in determining behavioral intention: A comparison of the U.S. and Russia. Journal of Business Ethics, 61(3), 235-247.
Westerman, J., & Sita, V. 2005. A cross-cultural empirical analysis of person-organization fit measures as predictors of student performance in business education: A comparison of students in the United States and India. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 4(4), 409-420.
Westerman, J., & Sundali, J. 2005. The transformation of employee pensions in the United States: Through the looking glass of organizational behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26(1), 99-103.
Popular Press Recognition
Professional Development and Activity
Serves on the Editorial Board of Human Resource Management Review, and former 10-year board member of the Journal of Organizational Behavior.
Completed Harvard "Executive Education for Sustainability Leadership" course
Live radio interview with anchor Susan Kennedy; KCBS Radio San Francisco, April 9, 2016
Spearheaded colloquium on sustainable business:

Title: James E. Holshouser Distinguished Professor in Ethics, Founder of Sustainable Business Program
Department: Department of Management
Email address: Email me