Second-Year Class Passes Oral Comprehensive Exams

We would like to congratulate our second-year students who are wrapping up their final year in the IOHRM program with style. All nine have completed and successfully passed their Oral Comprehensive Exams with quite a few passing with distinction!

The Oral Comprehensive Exam is a broad based exam that tests the depth and breadth of students' knowledge based on all the coursework they have taken. Questions range from topics such as employment law to organizational behavior to strategic management, and much more. While exams are difficult due to their broad nature, we are not surprised at all that our talented second-year students have successfully passed this challenging hurdle.

As a cohort they have continued to set the bar a little higher for those coming after them, and have provided a great example for those following. We are very proud of our students and excited to see what they will accomplish in the future. Good luck as you begin glimpsing what is beyond the graduation horizon!


- Written by James Westwood

second year graduate students
Published: Mar 29, 2015 7:58pm
