Congratulations to all second year IOHRM graduate students for passing the Oral Comps Exam!
The Oral Comprehensive Exam is a broad based verbal test taken in the Spring semester of the last year of the graduate program. Made up of a panel of three IOHRM faculty members, this exam tests the knowledge that the students gained during the course of their graduate studies. It consists of questions that assess knowledge in a variety of courses related to industrial-organizational psychology and human resource management, such as recruitment and selection, staffing, employment law, training and development, and statistical and quantitative methods. Students are provided a list of questions representative of the content for which they should be prepared at the beginning of the Spring semester. Students must pass this exam in order to complete the requirements of the degree program.
Every one of this year's second year students passed, many with distinction. Again, congrats to all of our second years! We wish you the best of luck as you transition into your work lives, Ph.D. programs, or whatever else lies ahead.