Dr. Yalçın Açıkgöz Provides Expertise in WalletHub Remote Work Article

Dr. Yalçın Açıkgöz recently provided his expertise on remote work to WalletHub’s “Best States for Working From Home” article. He provided the top three indicators for evaluating the best work-from-home infrastructure. He discusses the requirement of having wireless internet access, and discusses the advantages to having a separate work-space in the home environment. A separate work space will help with minimizing work-life conflict. Additionally, Dr. Açıkgöz recommends maintaining a routine for the work-day, to ensure that one is always on top of work responsibilities.

In the article, Dr. Acikgoz also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of remote work. One advantage is that the employee does not need to spend time commuting to the workplace. The disadvantage to remote work is that these time savings may be dwarfed by work-life conflict. In order to realize the benefits of remote work, it is thus best practice to isolate in a home office to separate from distractions.

Although many organizations have been forced to transition to remote work in reaction to COVID-19, Dr. Açıkgöz believes that employees will develop an aversion to working from home, as it will be associated with this high-stress time. He predicts that many employees will crave the normalcy of the modern-day office after restrictions are lifted.

For more information, access the original article HERE.

Published: May 6, 2020 11:57am
