Dr. Huelsman Wins "2014 Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching”

Dr. Tim Huelsman (Professor and IOHRM Program Director) has been awarded the “2014 Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching.” Each year, one professor is chosen from each of the University of North Carolina System institutions and Dr. Huelsman is the 2014 winner for Appalachian State. Dr. Huelsman’s grateful and inspired students nominated him for this prestigious award. The award encourages, identifies, recognizes, rewards, and supports excellent teaching; it is also the highest honor given for teaching excellence. Dr. Huelsman will be honored with a stipend, awarded a bronze medallion, and will be recognized at the Board of Governors Luncheon as well as Appalachian’s Spring Commencement ceremony.

After teaching 14 different courses, it’s clear that Dr. Huelsman succeeds in guiding both undergraduate and graduate students to autonomy, mastery, and purpose. In addition to teaching, Dr. Huelsman is guiding the IOHRM program through a curriculum change to make it the only master’s program in the country to adhere to the education guidelines of both the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology (SIOP) and Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). We are extremely proud of Dr. Huelsman! Congratulations!


-Written by Holly Brugger

Dr. Huelsman
Published: Mar 26, 2014 2:24pm
