IOHRM Partners With Beans 2 Brew

As part of the IOHRM program’s involvement with Beans 2 Brew, first year students Sydney Kopelic, Katie Maness, and Annie Jankura, Megan Waite, and Reed Morris prepare to take leadership roles within the organization. Beans 2 Brew is a student run coffee shop that operates within Peacock Business Hall. The IOHRM program has been able to help successfully transition the coffee shop from 15 to a pool of over 100 volunteers. Initially spearheaded by second year Cheryl Nickel, the IOHRM program has built the foundation of a functional HR department, and has begun to develop forward-thinking processes, through various organizational development and succession planning projects.

Initially beginning as a one-person position with Cheryl Nickel, the Human Resources position has since expanded to include six IOHRM students and one undergraduate student. Second year students Amanda Dixon and Lorin Farr have since focused on developing an organizational chart to plot each position within Beans 2 Brew and develop a succession plan. Appalachian undergraduate, Logan Ellis, has also taken charge of preparing schedules for a pool of over 100 volunteers across 16 separate clubs in the Walker College of Business.

As we are in the midst of a transition semester, 1st year students will begin by shadowing their respective predecessor over the following months. Katie will prepare to take over scheduling responsibilities from Logan, Sydney will prepare to take over the HR Coordinator position from Cheryl, and Annie will assume training coordinator responsibilities from Amanda and Lorin. Our partnership with Beans 2 Brew has provided us an opportunity to take I-O knowledge from the classroom to real-world application.

Beans 2 Brew logo
Published: Oct 21, 2017 4:32pm
